Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm about to flip!

Okay folks,

I know this is long overdue, and believe me, it is not because of LeighAnn's lack of nagging that it didn't happen. Basically, I am a little OCD* when it comes to things like this and I had several ideas for the blog, but none of them were perfect enough. However, after much thought, I was able to come up with a topic that expresses what I am deep down... annoyed!. As easy-going as I may appear, I am very easily agitated. This is complicated by the fact that all my senses are heightened (there is a debate as to whether or not I am a super hero) and I notice EVERYTHING. So for my first post I am going to create a table of topics that will be covered in the ensuing months. WARNING: most likely many of you will be repeat offenders of the things that send me into a rage and this will cause you to ask very logical questions. "Do I really do that?" "Is it that annoying?" "Does Tufts hate me?" The short answer to all those questions is YES, but to figure out why I hate you, you will have to become a frequent reader of this blog.

Table of Contents (in no particular order):
#1. People who take their shoes off in public places.
#2. People who chew ice (Ode to Chip Elmer).
#3. Doctors who smoke.
#4. Women drivers and other chronic offenders of traffic laws that I think should be obeyed.
#5. Overly dramatic Worship leaders.

That is just the beginning. The great thing about being so easily aggravated is that I will never run out of material and that is what made this such a great idea. So stay tuned, I plan to make this a study break activity, and believe you me, I take tons of study breaks.

PS: In case anyone was thinking about commenting on the fact that I am a life-long member of "The Comma Splicer Club", spare me...or you can comment, and I will write about how annoying you are. Your choice.

*: Obsessive-compulsive disorder

1 comment:

Healthygirl said...

Now what do you say to people who are aggravated by people who get easily aggravated?

Ps. you might want to add Indian giver to your list